Notes by Philip Dhingra

Meditation, by alleviating suffering, can open one's eyes to boundless forms of suffering, i.e. solitary confinement and dementia

The worst situations in life are the ones you can't meditate or cope through. Even in most awful situations, whether it's imprisonment or divorce, one can find some peace, and in tandem, happiness, assuming you have the right skills. But there are a few situations that are beyond limits of coping, one of which is torture. If someone were to periodically slap you, move you around, or blast music in your ears, it would be too hard to reach a state of anapana, i.e. concentration, wherein you could then find your center and accept the present.

Meditation also only works if you have a mature, neurotypical brain. Some people are wired such that meditation makes them more anxious, not less. Others are afflicted with mind diseases, such as dementia, that make it impossible to build a practice of any kind.

Suffering could then be divided in two: copeable and incopeable. The former could be defined as anything that someone trained in meditation could ultimately find peace with. This division elevates the suffering of those in solitary confinement — which is a mixture of torture and insanity — since their suffering is uncopeable and therefore unlimited. The horror of losing a job or being dismembered is relatively contained thanks to the availability of remedy through a coping mechanism such as meditation.

# meditation crime

Whistleblowers and Apostates

If you're a security guard who doesn't like beating people up, you may never end up becoming someone who witnesses illegal torture. If you're an accountant who likes to work with organized books, you may never find yourself in a position where you might have to cook them. Whistleblowers are rare because they're often filtered out before joining.

In the Fyre Festival documentary, there were a handful of reluctant whistleblowers, insiders who couldn't stomach what was happening. However, they had to have stomached the company for many months before saying anything. Criminal organizations select for tolerance and loyalty. Who can put up with the most bullshit?

Most people stuck in those positions don't say anything out of fear, but the genuinely fearful would've left the company after realizing what a shitshow it was within a few weeks of joining them. It's a broad spectrum from disgust to skepticism to suspicion to tolerance to complicity to finally, enthusiasm. Whistleblowers exist in a narrow band somewhere between skepticism and tolerance, making them odd creatures, much like apostates. Apostates go along with cons for some time before waking up and speaking out.

# society crime
2 entries