Notes by Philip Dhingra

Spiritual awakenings vary by geography, with cosmopolitan, New Ageism on the coasts, and provincial, New Sectarianism on the interior

The nature of spiritual awakenings varies by geography. In middle America, a spiritual awakening often results in switching to a different Christian sect, such as Pentecostalism. In coastal America, a spiritual awakening often results in discovering something New Age, such as Buddhism.

Perhaps coastal people are naturally cosmopolitan. Always looking beyond the waters, broadening their horizons, and greeting aliens, they are comfortable integrating strange ideas. In landlocked areas, like Minnesota, there are less external stimuli. Minnesotans must turn inward, divide their horizons into smaller segments, and form tribes within larger tribes, like Christian sects. Innovation on the coast is outward toward new ideas. Innovation on the interior is inward, toward nuance, provincialism, and the modification of traditions.

If religion were a pie, then cosmopolitan seekers would want a different kind of pie, whereas provincial seekers would find the best parts of the existing pie, and make that their focus.

# religion geography
1 entries