What is the lifestyle? In
by phil on Sunday Apr 20, 2003 4:00 PM
What is the lifestyle?
In corner 1 we have Dubya. You're straight set, early to bed early to rise, you set things in motion, you cut the heads off the thinkers and you resist temptation at every turn.
In corner 2 we have Clintonesque. You party, you dig your ladyfriends, you dope yourself on MJ, you celebrate, you move things with the will of your gaiety.
In corner 3 we have the Feminine Indian talkers like Chopra. It's all about balance, the sweet and the sour, you compromise between some extreme ideals and find that zone where you're good.
In corner 4 we have the annoying women and French, like Sartre. To them it's all about, finding your own way, your own spot, be yourself and all that other new age junk.
In corner 5 we have Nietzsche and other absurdists. There is nothing, no way, only the way that you end up as, how you become is probably some base desire acting out, and when you die, nothing matters.
In corner 6 we have Woody Allen and others. Who the fuck cares.
What's the answer? Well I think it's ....
I think you should ....
Everytime I come across what would be the perfect balance or ....
Maybe in the end it all boils down to ...
Yeah. That's right.
UPDATE: Hmm, I think there's an element of ...