A Chat with the Global Destiny Nymphs
by phil on Friday Nov 21, 2003 12:15 PM
What narratives haven't been explored?
In our search to kill boredom and quench our search for novelty, we have killed novelty
One day, we will narrow the whole thing down to a few basic metaphors, a few universal truths on a tablet
I can't say we should willfully slow down
but I don't wholly reject the unabomber and the neo-luddites
Matrix:Revolutions, before it was edited for hollywood I'm sure had some sort of import on this issue
Maybe we can find some sort of beauty and solace in recursive revolutions
DNA created our brain
Google is a bigger brain
Blogs are just brains. And what are brains but filters from the many to the one with a semi-optimal method and algorithsm
memory expansion, rehashing, and distributing.
layers upon layers that continue to link back up to themself
so relating that back to the self
I've been on this self-improvement crusade, to be able to change myself, to become the specific ... dah
but you have to change, you have to grow, you can't willfully say, I don't want progress
in a way, we're designed to kill ourselves. Every step forward is another step back
we're killing the planet
but only as a way of feeding a newer planet
that of human society and virtualization.
so there is a revolutions of suicide ontop of suicide
but, they did throw in love in Matrix:Revolutions
and love is important, because it grips you irrationally, and is a pure hot emotion.
sure, it's a mixed bag, and it's not love itself that matters
but pure passion..
as much as we abstract ourselves away from our natural selves into the artifical simulacra
we shouldn't forget the orginal heart where all of that was motivated in the first place
but even by saying this in the first place, it's already doing this.
is there such thing as a willful irrationality?
eh, actually I'm sure there is
I don't have to think, to analyze, to progress.
I can stand back, throw myself into eddies with a total lack of reck.
nihilism? whoops, did somebody say that taboo word?
or maybe, whining about this stuff on a blog is the key to softening the blow... cuz after this, it's off to do my homework, eat, chat, and sleep