ATTN RSS USERS, wake up and smell Design 8888 of Philosophistry
by phil on Thursday Jan 15, 2004 10:21 PM
I feel that the horizontal scroll bar is a lonely UI component.
My first passion has been web design.
My site is best designed for a 4-directional mouse scrollbutton.
Happy New Years Philosophistry. As you enter near the 1000th entry, how about a new design?
Let me sit down and explain whats been done to Philosophistry...
I've destroyed the standard brochureware site design to allow for flexibility to throw modules all around my site with reckless abandon.
Let me describe the new modules, BTW...
I'm jurying links to give visitors a taste of the interesting sites I stumble upon. This "linkblog" is also an alternate route to inspiration for those who don't care for my original notes.
The "found artists" section is just more jurying. Mainly I love diving into eye-candy portfolios of artists, and so arranging them like this fits that purpose well.
I felt the meme.abusage module needed to get its own space. These are words that I say with a little raising of one eyebrow. I just love creatively abusing these words and so I felt it important to highlight them.
The Away message gets its own section.
The "what you say" section is basically to aggregate all the chatter that occurs throughout my blog, and not just the latest posts.
And then I basically forked off all the other parts of the right-hand site of my old design into separate modules as well.
I just wanted to go further out in representing the identity phil. I'm still employing this brit-pop shiny-color bricks-on-white motif. In addition, I've scratched and strewn abstract lines and shapes to represent the hectic mental.
... .... .. . ..
Future stuff
I'm saying this now, but it always changes... but let me speculate on the future...
I think this brit-pop philosophistry has reached its climax, or is close to it, and so I may eventually seek a new design philosophy....
Also, I'm working on trying to have consistent posting frequency and not to do "info pollution."
// SIDE NOTE... what is info pollution? To me, it's information that could benefit from organization... at least for me, anything I post has some relevance, so no piece of information is pollution inherently. Even if I put trash on my site, it, in some way, represents an aspect of my behavior. However, if that takes away from the experience that one WANTs to have, such as reading refreshing, well-written material philosophistry then that should be segregated from chatter mental....
sooooo that means I may add a new module that's more free-formatted, possibly just a compendium of everything I want to say. Because right now, I'm censoring general minutae for the sake of letting quality articles surface.
Also, the blog is not the perfect medium for what I'm trying to accomplish. I want to generate a body of significant and novel ideas and observations while inspiring others to pursue lives of passion. -- woah, did I just spit out my personal mision statement -- so I may use a wiki to collect my thoughts around packages of topics that I cover. For example, my recent worship on the altar of logical fallacies will get its own cluster and coherence.
Plus, I have some side projects with pictures and runes that I may want to junk around my site..
Hopefully the new design has enough asperity for our goals. Your suggestions are always welcome. ;-) k. thx. bye.
.... phootnotes....
The sub-header font is my handwriting with a sharpie, thanks to
Bob said on February 13, 2004 10:27 AM:
Check out Kottke's post, where he says that he wants new web designs to emerge. I think yours is a good start...