Dammit Janet

by phil on Thursday Feb 5, 2004 11:23 AM
societal observations

Ah, I'm glad that Janet Jackson broke the record for Internet search terms after her nipple-flash in the recent Superbowl. It reminds us that yes, indeed, things have returned back to normal.

In The Onion's 9/11 issue, they made the prophetic headline: A Shattered Nation Longs To Care About Stupid Bullshit Again. Alas, what a relief, after 2 years, we are back again.


Applejack said on February 6, 2004 10:50 AM:

I don't know... I don't think we ever left. 9/11 came and made everybody feel more serious and maybe a little more reverent, but has there really been a artistic and creative backlash of the magnitude you'd imagine coming from an event like 9/11? Where are the prolific song writers, the rebellious painters and the eye opening writers? Where is the public scrutiny and the great sharing of ideas. (Sharing of ideas?! Remember how much it was frowned upon to be divergent in your political beliefs?). It's just not as life changing as we all thought.

9/11 was shocking, but maybe it wasn't as culturally important as first predicted. All I can see that it's boiled down to, is the same old political polarization and shouting across the talk show lines you see every election year.

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