japang mang

by phil on Thursday Jul 7, 2005 1:22 AM

My photo gallery from my July trip to Japan (ongoing)

my frequency of updating posts on philosophistry may decline this month due to me being in Japan. My interest in Japan began last year and I posted a few times about it. I'm here for tourism, to stake out a potential place to live, and to visit my cousin Justin.

Here is a demonstration that occurred on the 7th of July, 2005. War veterans are protesting the prime minister to keep up annual visits to the Yasakuni Shrine, a Shinto memorial for Japanese soldiers, including some war criminals. Koreans and Chinese are against the visits as they view Japan as being complicit in war crimes tantamount to Nazi war crimes. About 300 people there, on the north-south avenue that runs through Tokyo Station.

keep reading to see pix

The gas stations remind me of computer games I played around 1995, mainly ones with flying cars. These gas stations seem Y3K ready, as the flying cars will take advantage of the hanging pumps.

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