HOWTO: Loren ipsum for names
by phil on Wednesday Jun 16, 2010 8:06 PM
I'm in the process of mocking-up a social network interface, and I found myself looking for the equivalent of "loren ipsum" fake text, but for the names of friends. While you could use a Random Name Generator, I think it would be more crafty to create a remix of classic loren ipsum text. Here are my examples:
loren ipsum becomes:
Lauren Ipsum (female)
Lorne Ipsum (male)
dolor sit
Darla Sit
Dale Sit
amet consectetur
Amelia Conseceteur
Amit Consecetuer
adipscing elit
Adeliene Elit
Adrian Elit
To reproduce this, simply take any pair of words from any "loren ipsum" text, and swap the first word with a normal first name that is approximately homophonic and shares the same first letter.
While the usefulness of this method is debatable, you may get some inside-joke nods from designers. Plus, I does denote that these aren't real people you're referring to.